Glow in the Dark fabric Paints at
Bonfire Night,  Painting,  shop products

A Warm Glow for Bonfire Night

Glow in the Dark acrylic Paint at
Glow in the Dark acrylic Paint at
Glow in the Dark fabric Paints at
Glow in the Dark fabric Paints at

With Halloween just behind us and Bonfire Night parties incoming from Friday the 1st to November the 5th, why not go for a safe glow?

There’s a full range of Glow in the Dark paints, and make-up, and craft kits, in store at Art and Craft Valley at the moment.

We have spray paints, for your wood, plastics and crafts, and glow in the dark acrylic fabric paints for more colourful works.

Or buy a stone painting kit and make some festival lights to go up your garden path, or mark where people should be stepping and where they definitely should not!

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