Coulsdon caught in “Yarn into Gold” Controversy!
We at Art and Craft Valley would like to categorically deny that we have ever knowingly sold a spinning wheel, drop spindle, or other spinning device capable of turning textile fibres into a metallic, non-textile, material unsuitable for sewing purposes. We do stock a range of wools, threads, and fabrics suitable for a wide range of crafters’ and knitters’ needs, and do enjoy seeing the end results of their work.
In addition, we can confirm we have never knowingly had trade dealings with any operations claiming to convert wool, yarn, or straw into ‘gold’. Our clients usually convert them into quilts, cross-stitch, and other textile handicrafts.
HMRC have confirmed they are satisfied AC Valley are not involved in this case, either as suppliers or associates of the operation under investigation. Their investigation into Mr R. Stiltskin, first name Rumpel, for unpaid income tax, evasion of capital gains and illegal manipulation of the gold price, continues.
We would like to ensure our clients remain aware of such scams and other unscrupulous individuals, and for the safety of our clients, provide a likeness of the miscreant below:
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